Sunday, December 13, 2009

Derelict, but lovely nonetheless

We are nearing the end of demolition. The outside of the bus is fully painted and looks great, but the inside seems to be looking less and less inviting...however, we have finished removing all of the interior panels and old insulation and can now think about new insulation and paneling options. Now that all of the panels are removed, the interior wiring is a bit of a free for all, but at least it is now all out in the open for us to investigate more thoroughly. It's getting a bit cold and has already snowed here in Saratoga, and working with wires requires the precision of un-mittened fingers, so our progress has slowed temporarily. We are using our time indoors to draw out floorplans and contemplate interior colors, furnishings, and perhaps even a wood-stove (the stove is not only inspired by the snow but rather by the fact that I have been living for too long in an apartment that averages 80 degrees and I might die if on our travels we encounter a climate that averages anywhere below 70).


  1. HI it's amanda :) keep workin on yr bus kids :) :) and ill see you soon

  2. Ciao Jessica, sono un amico di tuo papà Peter, che ho conosciuto qualche anno fa in un forum della Adobe :)
    Mi ha detto della tua 'avventura' col Magic School Bus e allora ho visitato il tuo blog..molto carino, anche se serve tanto impegno!
    Continuate così, aspetto news!

    PS: actually I wrote en English because of your father ;) he told me you would have enjoyed the problem anyway if you want to answer in English. see ya!
